Serve on the Committee
Each CEF® chapter has a team of business and/or ministry-minded Christians (typically 12-17) that volunteer at least 15 hours a month.
Committee members:
- Pray for the chapter, the staff and the overall ministry and help encourage others to pray as well;
- Give accountability, oversight and direction to the overall work of the chapter;
- Actively help share the ministry with others;
- Help gather the needed resources (people, finances and other ministry needs);
- Brainstorm problem areas and more.
In addition, the Committee meets one evening each month to pray and plan. Perhaps God might use your business and/or ministry expertise in this indispensable and much needed area.
Summer Ministry
In order to have a successful summer ministry, our CYIA™ers will need some help:
- Chaperones/drivers: Many of our CYIA™ers are not driving yet or don’t have a vehicle of their own. Adult volunteers are needed who can help transport and oversee one or more 5-Day Clubs. The CYIA™ers are well trained and do all of the teaching, but adult supervision is always wise. 5-Day Clubs are typically held in June and July.
- Help at the CYIA™ camp (typically held the first week of June): Adults are needed to help in the kitchen, help with crowd control, games and more. If you can help for one day or for the entire week, let us know.
- Coordinate CYIA™ers and/or 5-Day Clubs at your church: Ideally, each church we serve with has a 5-Day Club coordinator who can help encourage young people to be part of the CYIA™ program and encourage adults to help provide 5-Day Club locations. This person would be the liaison with the CEF® office and would help advertise the program within the church.
- Coordinate a 5DC at your church: CEF® would provide a team of CYIA™ers to come do all the teaching each day of your 5-Day Club. Your church would invite the children, provide snacks, plan games, crafts, decorations or whatever else you wanted to include. This 5-Day Club could take the place of your VBS or be in addition to your VBS; and it could take place at your church or at another location.
- Host a 5-Day Club in your home or other location that you are connected to.
Join a Prayer Team
Emails are sent out several times a month to this prayer team with prayer needs concerning clubs, battles we are currently fighting, doors that need to be opened and the needs of the chapter as a whole.
Children write out their prayer requests at club and the club’s prayer coordinator sends them to their prayer team, as well as to our chapter prayer coordinator. Emails are sent out weekly with all of the children’s requests.
This is a group prayer line birthed by Kentucky business man, Jimmie Borders. People can call in 24/7 to pray for personal needs, this ministry and anything else they so desire. The added blessing is that Jimmie tithes from his businesses into the ministries who are represented. It is amazing how God uses prayer and a man we’ve never even met, to provide for this ministry.
Monday-Friday mornings at 10:00, our staff pauses to pray together that the Lord of the harvest would send the laborers. The alarms go off on our phones to remind us, and we pause for 2 minutes of prayer. If God would have you join us, we’d be happy to include you in our prayer time in person, by telephone or via Zoom.