Serve in a 5-Day Club

Serve in a 5-Day Club

5-Day Clubs have similar components to Good News Club®s but meet for 5 days in a row at the same location and at the same time, usually in rec centers, apartment complexes, churches, homes, etc. These are a great tool for summer ministry and can be coordinated and staffed by anyone who meets the same criteria as a Good News Club® Team Member.
If you want to host a club but don’t have a team, consider using our CYIA™ team. This group of dedicated young people has been extensively trained and they are eager to help spread the Gospel in our community.

Click here for more information

Hosting a 5-Day Club

The benefits of hosting a 5-Day club are wide spread. You will bless the children and community for generations to come. God’s Word always produces a harvest.

CEF Provides

Steps to Hosting

• Well trained teachers to handle all teaching roles.

• Customizable marketing materials to help you invite children to club.

• Quality teaching materials, which provide solid Biblical foundations for children.

• Ongoing staff support throughout the summer.

• Assistance with planning follow-up to reach families with the Gospel.


  1. Pray specifically for the Lord to lead you as you consider hosting
  2. Contact your local CEF office
  3. Identify 5-Day Club location where children are or can easily come
  4. Encourage others to be involved, inviting children, following up with families, etc.
  5. Begin the club


Host Provides

• Prayer partners

• Location (where the children are)

• People to invite children

• Water and take home treats for the children

Sign up for a Prayer Team

Which Prayer Teams do you want to sign up for?